Plot-Doctor Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbaych), a talented neurosurgeon, searches for healing after a terrible accident and is drawn into the world of the mystical arts.
•The Academy should just give them the award for Best Visual Effects now. WOW!! The trailers only give you a small sample of what it's all about. You have no idea what an amazing, mind blowing experience you're in for.
•Benedict Cumberbatch was perfectly cast as Doctor Strange. He really gets this character.
•Strong writing overall. I actually gave a shit about most of these characters. And no I'm not just saying this because I've been a huge fan of writer C. Robert Cargill since the Spill days.
•Do whatever you have to do to see this in IMAX 3D. It's the kind of movie that is made for this format. Best 3D I've seen in a long time too.
•STAY DURING THE CREDITS!! There's two scenes- one in the middle of the credits and the other at the end. Loved them although I feel like they should've reversed their order.
•Does its own thing while also fitting into the universe Marvel has created.
•There's a love interest (played by Rachel McAdams, who does a pretty good job)but they don't focus too much on it which I appreciate.
•I really only have one minor complaint and that's with the villain. Mads Mikleson is fine in the role but I feel like they could've developed his backstory and motivations a little more. Not the worst villain in this universe though that's for sure.
My Rating: is 9/10