A talented young getaway driver named Baby (Ansel Elgort) is coerced into working for crime boss Doc (Kevin Spacey). He finds himself in a doomed heist which threatens to destroy everything and everyone he loves.
•I wasn't sure if I wanted to see this movie at first. But after hearing all the amazing reviews and being a fan of Edgar Wright I decided to give it a chance. I'm so glad I did. This was such a fun movie.
•For the most part I've always liked Ansel Elgort. I'd say this is his best role yet. I always knew he could play charming but now I know he can be badass as well. I'd love to see him do more roles like this.
•Edgar Wright has another hit on his hands. Wonderful job directing, especially the action scenes which he manages to lineup perfectly with the kick ass soundtrack.
•Strong supporting cast. Kevin Spacey was his usual awesome self.
•Clever dialog and humor.
•A lot of the movie was practical effects which I always appreciate whenever a movie goes this route. It looked really good here. They were able to do a lot with a fairly low budget.
•Some of my favorite scenes aside from the action were actually Baby interacting with his foster Dad. Very touching which I wasn't expecting in a movie like this.
•One of the very few movies in which shaky cam was used and I didn't walk out of the theater wanting to puke.
•Nothing I'm going to take major points off for. However, it did drag a bit for me in the beginning. Luckily the last two thirds more than made up for it.
•While it's definitely one of the more original movies you'll see right now, it does follow a few of the same beats you usually see in this genre.
My Rating: 9/10