Plot:Based on the true story of the kidnapping of John Paul Getty III (Charlie Plummer) and his mother Gail’s (Michelle Williams) desperate attempt to convince the boy’s grandfather, billionaire J. Paul Getty (Christopher Plummer) to pay the ransom.
•My first review of 2018! And what a movie it was. This is by far Ridley Scott’s best movie in years. Even though I really enjoyed The Martian, I feel he’s at his best when he directs movies like this or American Gangster.
•Lets just get the whole controversy out of the way. Ridley Scott and the studio absolutely did the right thing replacing Kevin Spacey. Really it was the only thing they could do. Had they not they would’ve lost a ton of money. Plus why should everyone else who worked hard on this movie have to suffer because of what that sick bastard did? Anyway, I’m amazed at what they were able to do with such short notice. The movie was all set to be released in a month when all this shit the fan and yet they were able to replace Spacey with the legendary Christopher Plummer and reshoot all the scenes in just 9 (very long) days.
•Speaking of Christopher Plummer, they honestly should’ve cast him to begin with (apparently Ridley Scott had wanted to from what I’ve heard). As always, he was amazing! He really was the highlight of this movie. I really liked how he brought some humanity to the character and was able to convincingly portray what having an insane amount of money can do to a person and their family. I would love to see him win another Best Supporting Actor Oscar.
•Michelle Williams also deserves a lot of praise as well as Mark Wahlberg (please stop doing those fucking Transformers and Daddy’s Home movies and do more stuff like this. You’re really good at it).
•Don’t be put off by the over two hour run time. The movie moves at a great pace and not once did I feel the urge to look at the time on my phone.
•The movie is edited so well that for the most part you can’t tell that they did all those reshoots. It fits together perfectly.
•Beautifully shot.
•Very tense. Despite knowing the outcome of the story, I was on the edge of my fucking seat, especially in the last act.
•There was one scene where it was glaring obvious that they digitally took Spacey out and put Christopher Plummer in. I totally understand why they had to do it for this particular scene but still, it takes you out of the movie for a second. Nothing that should stop you from seeing the movie though. I highly recommend it.
My Rating: 9/10