Friday, March 29, 2019


•The visuals are really good. I especially liked the look of Dumbo. The pink elephant scene was pretty cool as well. 
•Most of the actors are fine in this and did the best they could given what they had to work with. 
•While not Tim Burton’s best movie, it’s not his worst either. 

•The script is VERY weak.
•The original movie is just over an hour. Here they’ve stretched it into nearly two. I really felt the length after awhile and had to fight the urge to fall asleep.  
•Colin Farrell’s accent in this.... wtf was that!!! 
•Michael Keaton’s character is your typical cartoonish villain. He’s good at it though. I mean of course he is, he’s Michael Keaton! 
•The movie is just kind of... there. If that makes any sense. 
•Do I recommend it? Ehhh.... I guess if you’re curious. I wouldn’t rush out to see it though. Honestly you’re better off watching the original. 

My Rating: 6/10

Friday, March 22, 2019


This is going to be a super short review. Honestly I’m still trying to process what I just saw. Plus it’s one of those movies that you should go into knowing as little as possible. 

Get Out was one of my favorite movies the year it came out. So I was looking forward to Jordan Peele’s follow up. I’m happy to say that he didn’t disappoint. Us is such a well made and unique movie (with a surprising amount of humor). If only more horror movies put this much effort into them. 

That being said, I can totally see people not liking it. The movie is not without its faults. It does drag at times. And the ending is a bit predictable and underwhelming. 

Was it better than Get Out? Well, no. That’s not a knock on the movie at all. It’s more of a personal preference. I highly recommend you guys check this out. 

My Rating: 8.5/10

Friday, March 8, 2019

Captain Marvel

•I wasn’t so sure about Brie Larson at first (although I do like her as an actress) but I thought she was terrific as Captain Marvel. I especially enjoyed her interactions with Samuel L. Jackson and thought they had really good chemistry. 
•They story was engaging for the most part and it was fun seeing how it connected to the rest of the Marvel universe. 
•Stan Lee tribute had me in tears. Very touching. 
•It’s always great seeing bad ass female characters. 
•As someone who grew up in the 90s I enjoyed hearing a lot of the songs I use to listen to (and still do). Even if they did go a little overboard with it at times. 
•A lot of the humor works. I got more than one genuine laugh while watching this. 
•Both scenes during the credits (one in the middle and one at the very end) were amazing for different reasons. 
•Looks pretty good on an IMAX screen. 
•While I wouldn’t say this was my favorite Marvel movie it’s definitely worth checking out in theaters. 

•The third act felt a bit rushed. 
•While most of the visual effects were fine towards the end some of them looked pretty bad. 

My Rating: 8/10

Sunday, March 3, 2019


Erin Bell (Nicole Kidman), an LAPD detective,    must returned to an old case that ended badly when a gang leader suddenly reappears. 

• Nicole Kidman does give a good performance where she’s nearly unrecognizable. It’s certainly different from anything else she’s done. She’s the only reason I’m not giving this movie a lower rating than I already am. 
•There was potential here for something interesting. 

•Cliched and predictable story. I’ve seen tons of these types of crime dramas/thrillers but done way better. 
•Poor editing
•Extremely slow
•I understand that this movie was all about showcasing Nicole Kidman but they could’ve at least tried to develop some of the supporting characters. Didn’t really care about any of them. 
•Was about 30 minutes too long. 
•Can’t recommend seeing this in theaters. But I guess it’s worth a watch on Netflix if you’re curious. 

My Rating: 5.5/10