Secret Service Agent Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) is framed for the attempted assassination of the President (Morgan Freeman) and sets out to clear his name.
• Much like Olympus Has Fallen (which I went into not expecting anything and was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it) this movie was entertaining as fuck. Was it dumb? Absolutely. But there’s nothing wrong with a good dumb action/popcorn film. It certainly helps you take you mind off things.
•The action scenes were brutal and for the most part well choreographed.
•President Morgan Freeman
•Gerard Butler was good
•Nick Nolte stole every scene he was in.
•I even got some laughs out of this.
•Extremely predictable. As soon as certain characters appeared on screen I was like, “Yup, these are going to turn out to be the bad guys.” And I was right.
•Several moments of horrible green screen effects. I’ve seen movies with half their budget look better.
My Rating: 7.5/10