Friday, February 28, 2020

The Invisible Man

I’ll be honest, I really wasn’t planning on seeing this at all. I had seen the trailer for it several times before a lot of movies the last couple of months and it just looked stupid. But after the decent reviews it’s been getting I figured I’d give it a chance. I’m so glad I did. This is one of those cases where you shouldn’t judge a movie by its trailer. The Invisible Man was actually really good. 

Hats off to director Leigh Whannell (who also directed Upgrade, a movie everyone keeps telling me to watch and I’m definitely going to make it a point to now) for creating  this really well made psychological thriller that doesn’t rely on big special effects, jump scares or tons of action. I mean there was definitely more action towards the end but it wasn’t overkill. Instead he uses the cinematography, score, etc. to really set the tone. It’s also a slow burn which I know some people won’t like but I was totally fine with. 

Elisabeth Moss once again gives another brilliant performance. She was very believable as an abuse victim. I know it’s very early but this is one of my favorite performances of the year so far. 

My only complaint is the twists I could see coming from a mile away. I wish it had given me a few more surprises. Other than that it’s a great movie that I highly recommend. Go see it. 

My Rating: 8.5/10

Sunday, February 23, 2020


•One of the things that really stood out to me was the writing. I was hooked  right from the beginning. While I thought I knew a lot about this story, there was also things I didn’t. It really sheds more light on an important issue. The dialog was very sharp as well. 
•Outstanding performances by Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman, and Margot Robbie. 
•I can see why this movie won the Best Makeup Oscar. If I hadn’t known ahead of time I never would’ve guessed that was Charlize Theron as Megan Kelly. 

•There really isn’t anything major I can think of. I highly recommend this movie to everyone. If I had any complaints I guess it would be that the ending felt a bit rushed. 

My Rating: 9/10

Friday, February 7, 2020

Birds of Prey

•It was way better than Suicide Squad. Not that that’s saying much. 
•Margot Robbie was great as Harley Quinn. She looked like she was having a blast. 
•The fight scenes were well done for the most part. 
•There’s a lot of cool visuals. 
•I thought the four main characters worked really well together. 
•The soundtrack was badass. Will definitely add it to my Spotify list. 
•Would I rush out to see this? No. But it’s definitely worth checking out. Get some friends together and go see a matinee. You’ll have fun. 

•Maybe it could be because I’m exhausted today, but the movie dragged a bit for me at the beginning. 
•A few of the characters could’ve been a little better developed. 
•As much as I like Ewan McGregor, I didn’t care for him as the main villain here. 

My Rating: 7/10