Friday, June 3, 2011

X-Men: First Class

Going into this movie, I wasn't expecting much. Don't get me wrong, I like X-Men. I remember watching the cartoons and even reading the comic books when I was a kid. But I'm more of a Batman girl. Sorry. Anyway, I've seen pretty much every movie that's out right I thought I'd give this a chance... I'm glad I did.

While this is not the best superhero movie I've ever seen, it certainly isn't the worst. This is a prequel to the previous films. It shows us the origins of Professor X & Magneto. It's about 2 hours & 20 minutes long but it didn't feel like it. I thought it was really interesting.

First, the good. James MacAvoy was well cast as Xavier/Professor X. He's a brilliant actor. The guy who played Erik/Magneto (can't remember his name at the moment) was good as well. The special effects as far as the mutants go was well done for the most part. The action (while out there) kept me entertained.

Now for the not so good. January Jones (who plays Emma Frost) couldn't act if her life depended on it. She has this deer in the headlights look all the time that drives me insane. And while we're on the subject of acting, Kevin Bacon appears in this. I like him, but his performance was way too over the top even for a movie like this. The dialog was bad at times and there were a couple of untentionally funny moments. Maybe it was just me. I think I was the only one laughing at certain points.

But overall, I would recommend this. It's a fun summer movie that'll keep you enteertained.

My Rating: 7/10

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