Happy 4th of July everyone! :) Since I'm in a fairly decent mood, I thought I would post another scene of the story I'm working on. This particular scene doesn't follow the one I posted before. I haven't been writing the story in order yet. I've just been writing down whatever idea pops into my head at the time. Anyway, just like last time, this is a VERY rough draft of the scene. But I hope you like it regardless-
Patrick walked into the room, hopingto speak to Natalie. Instead he found her fast asleep on the bed. This didn't surprise him at all. Natalie seemed to be sleeping more and more lately. The pregnancy was really beginning to wear her out.
Patrick sighed, then slowly crawled into bed with Natalie. As he wrapped his arm around her waist, he could feel her ever growing stomach. Despite how he felt about everyhing, a small smile crept on his face as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. The smile quickly faded however.
Patrick found himself in the middle of a crowded hallway at the hospital. Suddenly, he heard a blood curling scream. It was Natalie.
Without any hesitation, Patrick ran in the direction her screams were coming from. It lead him to a room at the end of the hallway that several nurses were running in and out of. But before Patrick could step inside, Natalie's screams stopped and were replaced with the sound of a baby crying.
A nurse came out holding a small baby wrapped in a pink blanket. She handed the baby to Patrick.
"It's a girl." the nurse said.
Patrick glanced at the baby briefly before he asked the nurse how Natalie was.
The nurse hesitated, looking very sad.
"What is it?" Patrick asked.
"She didn't make it." I'm so sorry."
"What do you mean she didn't make it?!!"
"We just couldn't get the bleeding to stop. We tried everything."
Patrick refused to believe it. "I want to see her."
"Maybe it would be best if we cleaned her up first." the nurse said. "She..."
"No! NOW!" Patrick shouted.
The nurse simply nodded and lead Patrick into the room. She offered to take the baby from him, but he refused to let go of his daughter. He slowly walked in.
As soon as Patrick saw Natalie, he froze in total shock. His heart began tightening in his chest. He couldn't breathe.
Natalie's pale, lifeless body lay in the bed surrounded by a pool of blood.
Patrick was so stunned that he couldn't even cry. He didn't even notice as a doctor tried to explain to him what had happend.
It wasn't until his daughter began to cry that Patrick turned his attention away. He pulled the small blanket back from her face and gasped as he really looked at his daughter for the first time. He could see the scars forming on the right side of her face and neck, and down part of her arm.
No! This can't be happening.
But it was. Patrick's biggest fears had come true- Natalie was dead and his child was just like him. The emotion became too much for Patrick as he cried out in sheer agony.
Patrick awoke from the nightmare and sat straight up. He gasped for breath and his body was covered in sweat.
Almost immediately, Patrick could feel someone gently rubbing their hand against his arm.
"Patrick what is it? What happend?"
Patrick looked to his right and saw Natalie sitting up next to him. Her green eyes were filled with concern.
"Natalie..." Patrick said quietly, sounding almost shocked. "You're alright."
"Of course I am." Natalie replied as she hugged him.
Patrick held her close, almost afraid to let go.
After a minute or two, Natalie spoke again. "Patrick you're scaring me. Please tell me what happend. Was it a nightmare? It wasn't real. I promise..."
"It felt real."
Natalie kissed Patrick softly and asked him what the nightmare was about. He could tell how worried she was.
But despite this, Patrick couldn't bring himself to tell her.
Natalie didn't push him any further. She suggested they both go back to sleep. Patrick nodded as he wrapped his arms protectively around Natalie.
"I love you." Natalie said quietly, snuggling into him.
"I love you too."
Natalie was asleep a few minutes later, but Patrick was wide awake. He knew he wouldn't be sleeping anymore tonight. Instead he stared at Natalie intently, hoping that his nightmare wouldn't come true.
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