Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Gift

Wow! That's what was going through my head as I was walking out of the theater. I'm a big fan of Joel Edgerton and boy did he hit it out of the park and create one of the best thrillers I've seen in years.

The Gift follows Simon (Jason Bateman) and Robyn (Rebecca Hall)- a married couple who one day, while out furniture shopping for their new house, encounter Gordo (Joel Edgerton). Gordo went to high school with Simon 25 years ago. After the very awkward encounter, Gordo begins coming over unannounced and brings them a series of gifts. At first he seems harmless, but definitely a little odd. Robyn then slowly uncovers the real connection between Simon and Gordo and what happened all those years ago.

Joel Edgerton makes his directorial debut here (as well as writing the script and producing) and I couldn't be more impressed. The story slowly builds up and gets more and more tense as each thing is revealed. Everything from the way the scenes were edited together to the color sceme (which is a lot of blues and grays) really sets the tone and added to the creepiness.

I also applaud Joel for showing just how much bullying can affect you even later in life. Another director might have set this in high school but I'm glad he decided to go this route instead. 

Every actor in here gave an amazing performance. Joel Edgerton was great as Gordo. The character is very awkward but Joel doesn't play it over the top. There's just enough of that creepy factor to let you know that something isn't right with him. 

Jason Bateman does just as good a job. It was a little weird at first seeing him in this type of movie given that he's well known for doing comedies. Simon is a character that on the surface appears fairly normal but at the same time you can tell there's something off about him too. 

Just to warn you there are a few jump scares in this movie. Not a lot though. I counted maybe two or three. Normally I hate when movies do this but here it really works. Each time, even though I could sense when it was about to happen, I jumped in my seat and yelled out. I swear I thought I was going to have a heart attack. 

There was one moment at the end where a big twist is revealed. All I'll say is it will make people very uncomfortable and it took me out of the movie for a minute. I thought about taking a point off my rating because of it but it's such a well made movie that I'm willing to let that slide.

I really encourage all of you to go out and support The Gift. Hollywood really needs more movies like this. It really makes you think and will stick with you even days later. I know it's early but this movie stands a good chance of making my top ten list at the end of the year. 

My Rating: 10/10

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