Based on the true on the true story of a group of African American woman, including Katherine Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), Dorothy Vaughn (Octavia Spencer), and Mary Jackson (Janelle MonĂ e), who worked at NASA providing mathematical data in order to launch their first successful space missions.
•I'm so happy they're finally telling this story. Very uplifting and empowering. Hopefully they continue to make more movies like this.
•Strong performances, especially Taraji P. Henson.
•Another person I thought was really good was Mahershala Ali (who I hope gets nominated for Moonlight, a brilliant movie you should all see if you haven't already). It's a small role but he and Taraji P. Henson were really sweet together.
•I absolutely loved the soundtrack!! Hans Zimmer was amazing as always and I was especially impressed with Pharrell Williams who also composed a lot of the music. It's original songs but sounds just like something that would've come out in the 60s.
•I wish they hadn't glossed over a lot of the racial issues going on at that time. I understand they wanted it to be a feel good movie. I appreciate that. Lord knows we need those right now. I just would've like to have seen them delve into this more.
My Rating: 9/10
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