Based on the true story of Antonia (Jessica Chastain) and Jan (Johan Heldenbergh) Zabinski, the keepers of the Warsaw Zoo who saved the lives of hundreds of Jewish people during the German invasion.
•Jessica Chastain is one of my favorite actresses. And while this is far from her best role, she was still really good.
•The actress who really stood out to me was the young woman who played Urszula, one of the many Jewish people who stayed with the Zabinskis. She doesn't have a whole lot of dialogue but what she's able to express with just her eyes and facial expressions... wow!!! Such an emotional, heartbreaking performance.
•Gorgeous cinematography.
•Beautiful Score that never feels overpowering.
•Fascinating story that until recently I had never heard of.
•A little too emotionally manipulative at times.
•Dragged A LOT towards the end. There were several times where I thought to myself, "Come on! Wrap this up already."
•Like I said, I hadn't heard of this story before but I got the feeling by watching this that they were only telling the cliff notes version.
•A lot of the time I found myself caring more about the animals than I did most of the people. Speaking of which, if you're an animal lover like myself I DO NOT recommend you watch this. I knew what I was getting myself into but damn :(
•Daniel BrĂ¼l's character is the primary villain. He's a good actor but this time around his performance felt too one dimensional.
•While I thought the movie was pretty good overall, I can't really recommend you pay to see it in theaters. If you're curious, wait until it comes to Netflix. That being said, there are far better World War 2 movies you could be watching.
My Rating: 7.5/10