Live action version of the beloved 1991 animated film about an arrogant prince (Dan Stevens), cursed as a beast, who falls in love with a young woman named Belle (Emma Watson).
•Like many people, when Disney announced that they were making a live action version of Beauty & the Beast I was like NOOOOOO! The original animated version is not only my favorite Disney movie but it's one of my all time favorites period. The last thing I wanted was someone to once again butcher a classic. Well I can tell you right now, within minutes of sitting down and watching this new version, those fears went right out the window. Holy shit this was amazing!!
•You can totally tell that Bill Condon (yes, I'm aware that he directed the last two Twilight movies. But the problems with that weren't his fault. He did the best he could with the shit he had to work with) is a huge fan of this material. This really is the animated movie come to life right down to the tiniest detail. I felt he was very respectful of the original. Yes, there are a few (very) slight changes and they even expanded upon things (many characters are given a bit more of a backstory). But you know what? It really works.
•Emma Watson makes a wonderful Belle.
•Gorgeous animation, costumes, and cinematography.
•Dan Stevens was really good as the Beast. He's a very talented actor and singer. Makes me want to check out Legion now.
•The songs- Oh the songs! The soundtrack is already on my Spotify list.
•The is one I was worried about the most was Luke Evans. Definitely not my first choice to play Gaston. But then pictures came out and I was like, okay he's got the look down but can he sing? I have to tell you he pretty much nails the character. And yes, he can sing surprisingly well.
•Looks beautiful on an IMAX screen and the 3D is pretty decent as well.
•Is over two hours long but time seemed to fly by.
•Nothing really. I think if you enjoyed the original you'll probably love this as well. I will definitely be seeing this one again (and again) in theaters and buying the blu-ray. That being said, I do have one very minor nitpick. There was one slight change in the story in terms of Gaston that I didn't care for. Normally I would take a point off for something like this, but I just love this movie so much I'm willing to let it slide this time.
My Rating: 10/10
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