In this fifth installment, Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) is being hunted down by someone from his past- Captain Salazar (Javier Bardem). His only hope to survive is finding the legendary trident of Poseidon.
•Well, its better than the last movie. Not that that's saying much. Honestly though, this movie was okay. Not as good as the first three of course, but I don't think it deserves 33% on Rotten Tomatoes.
•Some really fun action scenes, mainly at the beginning. The guillotine scene for example.
•The flashback scene explaining Salazar's history with Jack was interesting. I only wish they had taken the time to develop this subplot and cut out a few of the other characters that in the end didn't amount to anything.
•Some of the humor worked. I laughed quite a bit at times.
•I thought Hans Zimmer had done the score for this one (the way he did the previous four) but he didn't. Whoever did the score this time around sounds very similar to his style. I enjoyed it though.
•Orlando Bloom & Kiera Knightly!!!
•As much as I liked Salazar, the special effects on him were some of the worst I've seen in awhile (especially the scenes during the day). When I saw the trailer a few months ago I was hoping this was because they were still in post production and not finished with the effects yet. Nope. It looks even worse when you see it on the big screen.
•They need to stop trying to make Brenton Thwaites a leading man. It's NEVER going to happen. The guy has zero charisma. Of course a lot of my hatred for him has to do with the fact that he was in Gods of Egypt and every time I see his face I'm reminded that I saw that piece of shit in theaters *shudders*
•Once again the 3D was barely noticeable. If you're going to see this in theaters I'd strongly suggest 2D. I would've done that myself had the showtimes worked for me.
•Yes there's an after credits scene. All I'll say is it looks like we're going to get at least one more movie *sigh* They should've just ended this franchise after the third one.
My Rating: 7/10
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