Isabelle (Juliette Binoche), a divorced mother, is looking for love again.
•I’ve always been a fan of Juliette Binoche. She does a decent job here, especially given the material she has to work with.
•It’s nicely shot I’ll give it that much.
•The movie is only about an hour and a half but boy did it feel longer. I caught myself nodding off several times.
•Very little character development.
•Nothing really happens. It’s just a bunch of scenes of people talking, occasionally with scenes of Juliette Binoche sleeping with one of the many men in her life.
•Gèrard Depardieu out of nowhere shows up at the end. His character rambles on and on for so long that I saw several people get up and walk out of the theater.
•I really can’t recommend this at all. It didn’t make me mad or anything and there’s far worse movies you could see, but I just didn’t see the point of it all. What exactly was it trying to say?
My Rating: 5/10
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