Follows the life of Mary Stuart (Saoirse Ronan), whose claim to the English throne threatens Elizabeth’s (Margot Robbie) reign.
•Despite the mixed reviews I was curious to see this movie. I’ve always been fascinated with this time period and have seen and read a lot about it. Overall this movie was.... okay. I didn’t think it was bad as some are saying.
•Ronan and Robbie give good performances.
•The costumes are nice.
•Considering this was her directorial debut, I thought Josie Rourke did a fine job.
•I know movies based on real people and events tend to take several liberties but still.... this was inaccurate as fuck! For one thing, Mary and Elizabeth never met. Also, even though I’m all for movies being more diverse, I’m pretty sure Elizabeth never had a lady in waiting who was Asian. Nor did she have an African man on her counsel.
•The story was very dull in spots and at times it felt like I was watching a slightly better version of a soap opera.
•The score was pretty generic.
•If you are interested in this movie, I’d wait for it to come out on Netflix. It’s not something you need to see in theaters.
My Rating: 6.5/10
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