The story of Florence Foster Jenkins (Meryl Streep), a New York heiress who wanted to be an opera singer despite having a horrible voice, and her very supportive husband St. Clair Bayfield (Hugh Grant).
•Looks like Meryl Streep will most likely be getting another Oscar nomination. Once again she completely transforms herself. Truly one of the best actresses out there. She and Hugh Grant (who also gave a great performance) had amazing chemistry. You really bought them as a loving couple devoted to each other.
•Director Stephen Frears does a wonderful job making the movie look like New York City in the 1940s. Everything from the buildings to the costumes.
•Beautiful score by Alexandre Desplat.
•Story was very charming and had a good amount of humor.
•This is probably me just nitpicking, but there were times the make up they used to make Hugh Grant look older (in real life Grant is in mid 50s whereas the man he's playing was almost 70) was very questionable.
My Rating: 9.5/10