Based on the true story of Operation Anthropoid- a dangerous secret mission to assassinate SS General Reinhard Heydrich (Hitler's third in command), led by Jan Kubis (Jamie Dornan) and Josef Gabcík (Cillian Murphy).
•Damn it Jamie Dornan!! Why the hell did he have to go and get involved in Fifty Shades of Grey? He's actually a decent actor. I'll go as far as to say he gave the best performance in the movie.
•Cillian Murphy was good as well. I've liked most of the movies I've seen him in.
•Director Sean Ellis does an amazing job building the tension throughout the whole and by the last act I was literally on the edge of my seat.
•Nice cinematography.
•They're able to pull off the accents pretty convincingly. You don't see that often in these type of movies. Major props to all of the actors.
•Robin Foster's score
•This has always been a major pet peeve of mine- for the love of God, unless you know what you're doing, DO NOT use shaky cam. Anthropoid is a well directed movie over all but there were a few scenes where I had to turn away from the screen because I thought I was going to be sick.
•The romantic subplot. It's a very small part of the movie and I'm not saying it's done poorly, it just wasn't needed.
•Editing was a little choppy.
My Rating: 8.5/10
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