Sunday, December 4, 2016

Certain Women

The lives of three women (Laura Dern, Michelle Williams, and Kristen Stewart) in Montana loosely intersect. 

•This movie is really just three short stories put together that are VERY loosely connected. I thought the first story with Laura Dern was actually good. I liked the dynamic between her and Jarred Harris. Very interesting. If only the whole movie was just about them. I would've liked it a lot better. 
•Ummm..... I guess if you're having trouble sleeping put this movie on. You'll be out within minutes. 

•This director's movies are not for everyone, myself included. While it wasn't as agonizing as I thought it would be, it was still dull as fuck. Everything from the way she would linger on a shot to the last two stories had me wanting to nod off in my seat. 
•At the end of it all I found myself thinking, what was the point of all this? What exactly was she trying to say? Especially the second story (which is by far the weakest) where not a damn thing happens except Michelle William's character and her husband going to an elderly neighbors home and by sandstone from him in order to build a new house. That's it. I kid you not. 
•I'm not really going to waste any more time on this movie than I already have. I can't really recommend it to anyone. Not even as a check it out on Netflix if you're bored kind of movie. It's far from the worst thing I've seen this year but it's certainly not the best. 

My Rating: 5.5/10

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