Based on the true story of Desmond Doss (Andrew Garfield)- an Army Medic serving during World War II who, due to his beliefs, was against violence and refused to kill. However, he still wanted to help people. He went on to save the lives of 75 of his fellow soldiers. All while never firing a single weapon (and no I don't consider any of this summary a spoiler because it's all in the trailer).
•Say what you want about Mel Gibson, but he is a top notch director who knows how to make a damn good movie. Hacksaw Ridge being no exception. Everything from the way he shoots the battle scenes to the way he directs his actors is nothing short of amazing. He had me engrossed in this incredible true story that until recently I didn't know anything about. I walked out of the theater with tears in my eyes and my heart pounding in my chest. And not once did I feel the urge to look up at a clock and see how much time was left. That's how good it was.
•Andrew Garfield gives the best performance of his career. I always knew he was a good actor. He really embodied this character and if it weren't for it already being a crowded year in this category, I could see him getting an Oscar nomination. Who knows. It may still happen.
•The supporting cast was outstanding as well. Especially Hugo Weaving and Vince Vaughn. With Hugo Weaving's character, you really see the toll that war takes on someone even years later.
•This movie is NOT for the faint of heart. I really appreciate that they didn't shy away from showing the brutality of war. You see every horrifying event in graphic detail. There's blood and guts everywhere, men on fire running around screaming in agony, men literally getting blown in half, and so much more. I highly recommend going into this on an empty stomach.
•While faith plays a huge part in the story and who this man is, it isn't one of those movies where religion is forced down your throat.
•Really beautiful cinematography.
•Powerful score by Rupert Gregson-Williams
•The only one I really have is that there were some scenes in the beginning where Desmond meets and falls in love with a young nurse named Dorothy (Teresa Palmer), who eventually becomes his wife, that felt extremely cheesy. Mainly their dialog (luckily it gets better as the movie goes on. Plus the two of them have great chemistry). Normally I would take a point or two off for something like this and I briefly considered it here. But I just loved this movie so much that I'm willing to let it slide.
My Rating: 10/10
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