Friday, October 30, 2020

The Personal History of David Copperfield

•The main things that stick out to me are the cinematography and costumes. It’s certainly a gorgeous movie to look at. They also do some creative things visually while telling the story which I thought was interesting. 
•All of the actors looked like they were having a lot of fun filming this. The highlights in my opinion were Peter Capaldi and Hugh Laurie. 
•I’m not as crazy about Dev Patel like some people are but I thought he was charming in the title role. 

•The story itself was kind of... meh. Not bad by any means but I’ll most likely forget about it in a few days. Wouldn’t really recommend you see it in theaters. 
•The tone was all over the place. One minute it’s serious and the next it feels like a satire. It’s the same issue I had with the director’s last movie, The Death of Stalin (which despite this flaw is a far superior movie and one that I revisit often). 
•If you’re looking for a good period piece there are so many better ones than this. Emma (2020) for example. 

My Rating: 6/10

Friday, October 23, 2020

Tenet (IMAX)

My first review in over seven months. Wow! So much has changed since then. The world has gone to hell as you all know but some good has come out of this. When my work closed down for over two months, and I needed something to occupy my time and keep my sane, I actually started writing again! I’ve been wanting to write this story for over two years and it feels so good to get it out of my head and onto paper. Currently writing chapter 21 of what will probably be around a 30 chapter novel. Will definitely share it with you all when I’m finished. 

Between working on my novel and the fact that the studios aren’t really releasing much for the rest of the year, I probably won’t be doing reviews on a weekly basis but I’ll try to post some as often as I can. 

Anyway, onto the review. I’m very happy that it gets to be the latest Christopher Nolan movie 😊 

•It’s a fascinating story but definitely one that I’m going to need to watch a few more times in order to process it all. Who knows, maybe it’ll make my rating go up. 
•It was nice to see John David Washington in a movie again. While I enjoyed his performance in BlacKkKlansman more, I still thought he was good here. I also really liked Robert Pattinson in this as well. 
•Amazing fight/action choreography. 
•Of course it was a gorgeous looking movie, especially on an IMAX screen. 

•Probably one of Nolan’s weaker movies in my opinion. Still, even one of his movies that isn’t the best is still a million times better than most of the movies that are released. That being said, I would recommend it. 

•The sound mixing would sometimes be so overwhelming/loud that I could barely make out the dialogue. 
•I didn’t care much for Kenneth Branagh (whom I’m normally a fan of) in this. There were times where he was fine but other times he was a little too over the top. 
•As much as I love Nolan, he still doesn’t know how to write good female characters. 
•Started to feel the length a bit towards the end. 

My Rating: 7.5/10