Sunday, October 30, 2011

Paranormal Activity 3

I remember when the first Paranormal Activity movie came out. There was so much hype and when I finally saw it I was like, really? Don't get me wrong I liked it a lot. But I was a little disappointed. It certainly wasn't the "scariest movie ever" that people were claiming it to be. There were a few times I remember jumping in my seat, but that's about it.

This third movie however, really creeped me out. I mean that in a good way. I've been really let down by the horror movies that have come out lately. But not this one. I really enjoyed it. It's easily the best movie out of the three.

This movie is a prequel, taking place in 1988. It tells the story of a young Katie & Kristi (sisters, seen as adults in the first two movies) who live with their mom Julie and stepdad Dennis. One day Kristi starts talking to an "imaginary friend" named Toby and from there, all he'll breaks loose. Dennis decides to set up video cameras around the house to try and find out what's going on.

I can't say much more than that without giving away everything. But I thought they did a good job with the story. Much better than the first two.

The acting was pretty good too. Especially the two little girls playing young Katie and Kristi. And I really enjoyed watching the guy who played Dennis. His character was very likable.

This is not a perfect movie however. Far from it. Just like the first two, there's long periods of time where almost nothing happens. A door might creek shut or a picture falls off the wall but that's about it. It's not until you get to the last third of the movie when things really start to get interesting. The ending I wasn't too crazyabout though. Felt a little too much like The Last Exorcism.

Bottom line, if you liked the first two, then you'll love this one.

My Rating: 7.5/10

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